The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

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The Wichita Beaconi

Wichita, Kansas

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i WICHITA BEACON Friday August 8 1980 Cancer chemicals from pit United Preu Internationa Robert Baudy plays with 2-month-old rare Florida panther -r He has 17 species at his Rare Feline Breeding Center cats fears for his kind too Woburn Mass When she is especially upset 25-year-oid Jean Shure goes to work wearing a T-shirt with a bitter message pinted across the front: "Wo- burn May Be Hazardous to Your She works at the Woodcraft Supply Co 14)00 yards from an abandoned three-quarter-acre pit Same romantically call It a lagoon but dried arsenic is so concentrated there that 21 pounds of soil reportedly contain enough poison to kin five adults Soil samples also have turned up acids antimony chromium formaldehyde hexamtne lead tin zinc and tannery wastes such as cow and horse hides and the search goes on Across the road a pump sucks up potentially explosive methane gas seeping Into an office building from wastes buried as long as a century ago Tanneries explosives and fertilizer factories have used the site since 1153 Powdered arsenic and chromium wastes to the Industroplex industrial park still blow into the atmosphere A consent decree under which a con- tractor who owns some of the contaminated land agreed to cover it is tied up in a court fight Meanwhile residents say that barbed wire strung to keep youngsters and animals out of the area has proven useless Woburn a city of 374)00 situated 12 miles north of Boston has the highest cancer rate among Massachusetts communities of 20000 or more and -the Department of Public Health says 561 cancer cases between I960 and were 12 percent more thau normal for a city that size- Between 1974 and 1978 the excess was 24 percent The 14 cases of childhood leukemia over a 10-year period five would have been expected have triggered a special study by the national Center for Disease Control Results are due in October He says that in some cases the law actually has led to the demise of animals because breeders couldn't obtain the stock they either for their Own businesses or for special projects to reintroduce rare animals into the wilds Baudy says he is successful in a Reid where zoos seemingly have little luck because it is quiet and natural at his compound The cages are wood and wire there is no antiseptic tile steel or glass "You breed wild animals tat a clean- Christian environment" he says tossing strips of cowhide into a huge oak tree in the center of a leopard pen "The public is one of the ingredients that makes good longterm captivity breeding impossible" Last year Baudy sold 123 cats at prices ranging from $14)00 to $254)00 and says the breeding center made a profit for the first time Sixteen of the cats were the clouded leopard the species he considers closest to actual extinction They went to zoos In Minneapolis New Orleans Washington DC Toledo and Baltimore Today he is concentrating 1 on breeding the Florida panther so it can be reintroduced to the wilds and is making the Center non-profit so he can accept tax-free donations to continue his work So far he fays he has spent about $354)00 and more than four years to breed the spotted cats which grow to about 90 pounds and live in Florida swamps Less than 50 are said to be left- United Pratt International Center Fla His ancestors were lion tamers and the long deep scars on his hands and arms are telltale' signs that he too handles big cats for a living Robert Baudy is a stem powerfully built man who lives alene on 40 acres of oak hammock between Orlando and the Gulf of Mexico He wears a dagger on his side and has spent the last 28 years breeding some of the most exotic animals on earth His charges include the rare mon- key-like lemurs of Madagascar hyenas and Barbados sheep but his speciality is big cats There are 17 species at the Rare Feline Breeding Center Baudy is proudest of the work done with five snow leopards from China and Russia clouded leopards from North Vietnam amur leopards from North Korea black jaguars from Brazil and the Florida panther Baudy has bred them all in captivity and today is one of the few men in the world who is able to supply such rare and valuable animals to the World's zoos and animal trainers Though proud he's considered an expert Baudy is also somewhat bitter that like the big cats that pace in their wooden cages outside his one story block house also part of a nearly extinct species1 He blames this on well-intentioned but poorly directed government laws including the 1878 Endangered Species Act that virtually have stopped Uie worldwide trade' of exotic animals By Peter Eisner n's litaqy of toxic troubles also indudes problems with other chemicals snd with radioactive mi rial dumped to the industrial area In addition to state health officials and the CDC the UA Environmental Protection Agency is studying Woburn's problems "I'm tired of says Mayor Thomas Higgins looking for solutions" At this point though no one knows what they are mate- pant A real feather bed United Preu International a wren had moved in before the sun could do its iob on' this sweatshirt Several days later a storm knocked the nest out of the hobd Using kitchen tongs Mr and Mrs Davis picked the nest up to replace it and foupd 'one egg in the hood The bird soon returned Jo its cdzyhome -J? The early bird catches the worm or In this case the hood Mrs William Davis hung her wash out to dry in the yard of her Robinson III home She later discovered that dam Endangered Amazon manatee gobbles weeds near ning win save the huge but docile creature from possible extinction Specialists at foe Brazilian National Institute of Amazon Research are working with government electric toillties on the project which will place 50 Amazon manatees to the Curua-Una Dam project in the Amazon jungle state of Para The animals will be fitted with radio transmitters that will help scientists trace their habits and move-ments "This study wUl also allow the creation and development of an artificial population of manatees to be said Dr William Magnuson an Australian scientist working on the project "It is hoped that as the manatee population within the lake wiU grow the excess animals may be used to stock other reservoirs or restock areas of reduced or extinct population of this mammal" Magnuson and his coworker Canadian set entist Robin Best are fairly certain that the manatees wUl be able to control the growth of entangling plants in the hydroelectric dam A full-grown manatee which readies a maximum size of nine feet and weighs half a ton can consume 90 pounds of plants a day Until now little has been known about the Amazon manatee whidws hard to spot to the darkened waters of the 3915-mile-long Amazon River and its tributaries "To monitor the habits of one manatee has literally taken thousands of hours and our resources have been limited" Magnuson said 1 Hie Amazon salt-water cousin the Caribbean manatee which swims as far north as the Florida coast is on the world endangered list and is sometimes killed by the propellers of pleasure boats A third spe-i cies of manatee the dugong is found off the coast of Australia a greater danger for the 1 manatee is that it can become entangled and drown to the huge nets used by commercial fishermen That danger presents more of a potential problem than the individual hunting of manatees by subsistence fishermen who call the manatee Portuguese for bullfish and prize the animal for its meat which can be cooked in its own fat and then be stored without refrigeration for up to a year say the number of (Amazon) manatee that have been eliminated or the number that remain" Magnuson said "But we're hopefol based on the statistics we get from local fishermen that there's still a good number around Yet only a fool would say safe on that The manatek has fascinated man for hundreds of years Eighteenth century drawings of the animal depict it as being half human half fish scientific name comes from the mythical sirens whose alluring calls were said to lure sailors to their death Magnuson said he doubts that the early artists who popularized the manatees' mermaid connection had ever seen a manatee at close range Biologically related to the elephant it is a grayish animal with a hairy snout and teeth that are regularly replaced Despite its lumbering size and slow metabolism which requires that it surface for a breath once every five minutes the' manatee ends up being a responsive animal The manatees in tanks at the Manaus research center like being petted Magnuson said The manatee are so docile said Magnuson that a mother manatee will flee if it sees its young in danger But he says that peldom happens because the manatee has no known predators and is so large and tough-skinned that even the notorious meat-eating piranha fish in Amazon waters stay away Manaus Brazil The Amazon manatee a bhibbery walrus-'r like mammal that is one of the world's most peaceful creatures may be saved from possible extinction while at same time helping 1 man cope with the energy crisis Scientists at a jungle research center here ark studying ways to protect the manatee the world's oily folly aquatic plant-eating mammal and they are testing it to see if it will eat the weeds that otherwise clog the operation of Brazilian hydroelectric dams The project is the latest in century- old courting of the manatee which early sail-or? linked to the legend at mermaids who lured seamen from their ships Since then it has been eaten by peasants who enjoyed the flavor of its meat skinned lot its hide to make conveyer belts and 1 studied by scientists who believe good plan Police department Mafhawaan Manor Aeartmonit ISM ThriA 1 air candlllonor FraUa-t KloRw Klaoal BS Sanaca dam-lw 1 Ouatante Fata arid SuooHoa Mil Qaoraa Weak- Ueal Uen JSgfcne These Barton maarted: Karan Krug Mua anS MM 1(71 SGJ1140 (ram IIS Wabb Rea Rodney RBartee (an and brawn WlaChavrstel SGB10SX (ram Ml Sanaca Chun Ka aray ns Rambtar KKiSS ham 4BH IlKu recovered OaN Fayna (an and bataa WM OMwnabUk 1 S6RJ7HL tram SIS readway OaramyM RuaaaH black and srey Wl OMd mobile S6R11H1 (ram IMS MeiissB Gerald Marriha wtiMa and blue W4 Cadklac SOM01H tremBW Katlaaa Derma lean ISM Bukk SGJ147M tram 10 S-Yauna Municipal court ZdaL Barry kauad a daaadoccewd (hack S0 daya: ambatlan and SIS is Clark aaaaaadan a' SMS and 0 dayai arakatlan and 0 Smith (10 and 0 deyt: arebattan and (0 Shard FbdMrtan dtardarty conduct SMS and (tve daw ambatlan and SB Raymond 0 Freemen nan meaarld child dig 0 That earaane maorted: David McOirmt Minted Mr MaMHIa malai at SHNne an Town an Gauntry las Hllltid undafarminad amount by unidentified male Town and Country (BN Broateaaylc cream ty unManttria mala jack Rivard undatarmlna amount by tee un- Thaaa earaane raearled: Nubart Evane 0 identified mala at IMS ypMjfllg Dorothy Janet Identified mala at 11W MyfldKkv Meibia Oteat It Identified tamete at Market dil Murdock GRAND LARCENY Gar aid Hohaltd Chaney and Sharon Schmitt It AnOala Thamat Hantan 0 WHhila and Tarrl Johnson 0 Rasa Hill Janwt Moyer 0 and Ann Mar teal 11 Lultwr Tdley 0 and Sharan Rota 0 James Trucks 11 and Tsana Underwood 1A both Haytvlll Marty A Vlramontet and Barbara A KH-gem 0 Vam winddalar 0 and Card A Waltmlrg 44 Jack A Jstfary If and Gina Howard If Diana A Garbar 0 an Susan Myart Omar Jackton 14 and Drtortt Ecklund Fd A Tend In 14 and Brenda Knowtat 14 Frank FIckarllL and Rananna ywgnar 0 David Sasar 0 and Glenda Cdaman 0 Thamat Schuckmen If and Sharan A Han mil IB Goddard gJaaedt Schubart 41 and Mary Tut In Jamat Wllllamt 0 and Connie Kansas 11 bath of Darby Barry Coaaar 0 and Iharry May 0 Mark A Gusrram 0 and Tarry Allan 0 William 0 Haaklna 4S and Swan Ybarra FhHIo Haaganaan 0 and Virginia Tucker IX Ldrd Jackton and Sandra Lae Frod Jahanak (I and Daralhy Riddle 4( luMk a Wn to ktognHgtwT Daryl A Layton 0 and Bomda Keaton IX Data Uauranca and Vicki Mint 0 Fhille Mlnnlck 0 and Brenda Aaalatan 0 Bruce Martin 0 and Jaonual In Ward If bam at Andaw Kant I Nall and DUna SattW 0 Divorces granted Roy and Mary McCarty Curtis and Virginia Kurtt Rabart and Deanna Maxton Own and Lew CarraH Wade and Maaal Matan Jahn and CacH Back Enddlo and Tarots Gamer Dausut Clark and Nancy Christine Frltlb jahn and Larrain Sharan Timothy Lynn and Sandra Kay Andrew Randy Las and Glenda La (When Animal pickups fill am SIS Arkansas wlret deem am -Meridian and 4Hh South waah down Hi 1:0 am Broadway and Orme truck 1:0 am IMS HUM waali dawn sat 1:0 am -1-1 and Sat gras am IBS Marry araaa 1:0 am (0 1 Sanaca waah dawn aaa 1:0 am IMS Naw Verk bancar IS am 140 Broadway check tar am MM Carman earch IS: IS am 00 Many car am Sd and Sanaca car Sheriff's office GRAND LARCDfY Emad Banka aeuaUMr and dams (ram Beach Forking Id Richard A Thamaaan Auauda taala Frank Cherry billfold and SIM from 10 lid Chris Clear Manufacturing (00 1 Sanaca drill Chariot Macy radis and leeti tram Mth and tck Road Jahnnl Kdlay Mcyclg Mm 140 Denver BURGLARY IRESIDENCE) Them aaraona raaartad: Vlncant A Sundry 4(0 Alanandar sunt Roger Wi Han 00 Sunview TV td and colne BURGLARY (NO(MIESD)EIICEI I burglary waa GaraWI dark City IGA MW (Id unknown VDOCLE THEFTS TMa Wed toy Darky yd low unknown tag Mm half mil wed ldth Sedan Marriage license applications StynLBucfcmadorli and Charlenes Mar Richard Bear 0 and Joyce A Haearmann fce" A Grlouild 0 and Tarrl Guldnir Brian Cochrah If and Denit Viatt 0 Ridwrd AMnandar 24 and (harm A Edwards 21 Michael Caovar II and Shirley Wortham Guy A Dtanay Hand Rhonda Hahnll (Mnar Taylor Jr 0 and Alias Huchobey German dwohord brown 4MB EngHthr Terrier Mack and edulo 00 black 1 Stadt- Saaniet min Mack gns whHe 00 Btoad- Ci gray tabby 1(0 Edaamaor ihaoherd tr water HI Martinson Labrador min tan and wMt 00 Mack gt(Un- Doberman min Mack and tan IM Mock at Baal 22nd North Chaw ihaoherd min Mack 00 black 0 (tin Australian dwahard Min Mack and wkHail Sim Park Drive Carman dwahard Mack INS FalWada CoHH dwohard min rust Mi NavodoiF German thaahord white 01 Sacand Callla min Mack and wMtd4( Trigg -V rA I Births -V Blrtkbdnroialimltgrevldtdby aogwdbt pktia Earb hntRaMaa ha am paHcy near VRiralr at hdanwatteo aod aMaktetl eabao fram mMhers Wesley hale v- Famda and TlmgRiy 00 Wan lawn girt July 0 LEIOY Connie and Martin 44! 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The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.