Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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TT "-rf MONDAY NOVEMBER 16-1953- -THE EVANSVILLE PRESS -PAGE 21 New York Stock Market Evansville 40 a 4' 5 a Wr Barns Opuses ii Cs- New Tore Cnliae old Rational Bank Etna Prev Eastmaa Kndaa 47 41 I Pur Oil Close 13 Eastern Airlines 2J: iJVRaio ii 20a a-iec AJto LM 42 Fairbanks 21's Fircsiorc nil Freeport Tsxas J41 Gen Elec 23 72U 37le 45 cou 21 Rexall Reynold Metaia Revn kJ'a Richfield OU Big Moving Day Being Planned Orr Firms Four-Story Building May Ba Movod to Parking Lot Noy 1 1951 Alim Radio Air Reduction AIied Cheat Allied Store AIL Chel Ml Am Air Unas Am Cad Am Car tt Fdv Am Cyan Am Gas El Am Locomotive Aa Mach Pdy Aa Metal 37: 33t 49 32 14s 31 20- iisGeu Fuud iitGtn Midi 744 Jen Moturi Giiletio Rnaor 4 Uiladen Co 32-a yoodrKh is Goooycar 24 Graham Pane to1 M's 50- 43 JJS J4J l'a 50 Bt Joe Lead Bs Real Sear Roebuck Bcnenley 30 Beeaer i4-Bervel Inc Shell Cn Oil 1-4 -Sinclair SU a Socony Vacuum nl Edison 17- BIO 13iBouth Pae 44s4South Rallvey 17s Boeiry Core 40s Stand Brands Bt Moderate Trade Moves Market Upward Slightly NEW YORK edged upward early -today in moderately active dealings All divisions Joined in the modest advance Gains however were limited to imatl fractions with a number of issues holding at their previous close Only a few high-priced issues managed to move out of the fractional zone Early dealings were at a pace Sales in the first hour totaled 290000 shares compared with 250000 in the same period last Friday Gt Klhn Ry Ffd 50 Am Rad Sid 14 $09 DIVIDEND NOTICE The Board ef Director hat declared a caih dividend el 50 cenfs per fharo on Ihn common lock ol tho corporation poynbln on Dncnmbnr II 1953 to ilotk-holder of record at the dote of buunei on November 27 IV53 MOBilO IrtMnr SEE6ER REFRIGERATOR COMPANY Navamkar IJ I95J 14 Gt Nrthp Ore 39'sGt West Bug Greyhouna 14 OU 13s 1 17' 13 'e 44s 10 4'e 55x lSUxHanl Alias (I Hiram Kiiltr st 44 21-4 51' ls li: 30s 40s JT 516 05 73 33s 70' a 10't 20s 45' 70' 47i 32s 50 S' 46s 20' uncui 34J 34iaiStand Oil Cal Su Ndj nd Oil 49 42' 51 33 19'i 20s 2K Sj: ill: 45e 37 51s 05s 71s 32s 70' 10' 39s 54s Sosa 35 IB 70' 100'a 41 22s 5 47' 35s Man Termed Fair After Shotgun Due! HENDERSON (SpPcialt A 47-year-old Henderson County resident is in fair condition today at Methodist Hospital after a shotgun battle with a neighbor George Reese suffered wounds of the left arm leg and side back and head in exchanging shotgun blasts with Cooksey Moore 4-1 Saturday afternoon Moore was wounded slightly in the forehead Sheriff Lee Williams said the shootings took place at Reese's home about 21 miles west of Baskett on the Ohio River mile from the mouth of the Green home is about 200 yards away The two men reportedly began arguing while drinking A fist fight followed and by mutual agreement fists gave way to a sholgun duel The blasts were fired some 'the sheriff said Reese was free on S100G bond pending grand jury aciion after his home was raided and a still seized Oct 27 Sheriff Williams said no charges aill be filed the shooting in Studvbarr Bun Oil Co 41 Sunn Oil Sc Co 41 24 16s IS1 Texas CJorp 27' 27' Tex Oull 30 5' 'Tidewater The Market By GEORGE BASS tin Merrie I'kra Co International paper has continued to act extremely well ever since the 10 per rent stock divi-jdend was announced It sold up on Friday to a high of 5S's which is a new high for the year by half a point We hear that the earnings for the year due to the inclusion of a special non-recurring profit will probably approximate J7 a share This non-recurring profit is estimated at about 70 cents a share There is a queit undertone of strength in the steel stocks It hasn't expressed itself as yet very vigorously in the price although on Friday Republic Si eel did sell up to a day's high of 49 At lhat level however it is still some 3' points under the years high it is estimated that if the fourth quarter earnings of the leading steel companies merely duplicate the third it would mean earnings this year of! better than $750 a share for US Steel and1 probably over $12 ipr Bethlehem and $9 for Republic The announcement that General Motors is planning an issue of S3000000UO debenture bonds is of' decided inierest The funds are to be used to replenish working capital and to provide additional means for financing capital expenditures Presumably the company has reached a point where it doesn't wish to make any further inroads on its working capital position The assumption is that Ihese debentures will be underwritten and will be offered publicly at an attractive price 14' 21' Ii jr- 22s Bui AMO 14 Timken RB 21 Taint rt 01' Un Bag Pooar 34' union Carbine tsa Union Par 34s un Aircraft Un Airline United Carbon Unted Corn United Fruit United Ge 8 Gypsum lls 8 Pior Fdr Os Rubber 52s 8 Steel si! 8 Smelt 30se li'-o erably less than the cost of building an entirely new structure of similar size The building to be moved is only part of the Orr property but the balance is one story high It runs through the block to Bond Street The Highway Commission has not yet ruled v'hether the right-of-way proposal is acceptable 2s4 S' 12 109s 1111 37 Valuable Coal Rights for Sal OKI Arms Hal Kichti laratetf tfeid teead X4 Mile fraat Ohi JRivcr u4 UN KB I hbI Dutiable fur utrlppin Very little ever bunlra eM4 iiadt real vita hull HTI' inahbfi 1 he aemiiant la Juris mrvif af ('ail al nubile martian II AM Man-riar Nwv 23 1RU taurl HaUaa Il4rvillr Kv I further infarmatian phene win Milftan alt One nKnra Ky Am Smeltini Anr Steel Pcs Am Sum Tob Am Tel A Tel Am Tobacco Am Wool Amer Via Anaconda Arnica Armour Arvtn Indust Ashland Atchison At Coast Unas Atlantic Rfa Avco Mfa Baldwin Loe Balt A Ohio Hendls Aviation Best Poode Bethlehem Eteel Biaw-Knox Boeing Aircraft Borden 1 Co Bora Warner Bridtepon Brats Frists Mia Ruryrus-Erie Burr Add Mill Byerr A Co Cal Park Cora Candn Pacific I CUsc Caterpillar Celanese Ctrro Dr Pasco Chesap A Ohio Chrysler Cities Ber Climax Moly Coca Cola Colgate-Palm Colum A Col Carocn Comm Credit Com Solvrnti Copgoleum Conaolid Cop Consolid Edison Conti Can Conn OU Pel Crucible Steel Curtis Pud Co Curtiss Wright Deere A Co Delgware-Hud Diamond Match Dome Mines Douglas Aircraft Du Pont De 15e 37 32 34 Sg 13 SI S0i 3 5a 22' 3 30' S0 10 44s Xs 70'a 24s 31 21 14s 15s 41 31 206 35s SS'a ll's 37 10 41s 13' 40 i 30s 17' 31 'a 0 40s M' 54s 24' 7 15J ISii'Humetaae ill! Houiun Oil 311 Hoe Hudson UoTors lilinou Ceniral Ind Raien a Intoirin Cop Inter Lake Iron M'lln Harvcter 00s Ini Nwkl Can 29'eInt Tri Tel 5'i'jcn Lake 0s Johns-Man villa SIT Jot Mf Co Kennecoit Cop 3ix KreM si i Kroeer Gre Laclede Gae It Lambert Co 4J LIbbr McNeil 34 Llbbr Ovens 2' Lia Mer 243 Loev i Inc 37Ti Louuvili Quo 21e Mxct 2Vm Field 4 1 Olen Martin 52 -J I Mato Alkali IjT Mav Deal Sir 19 Mrnlt Sr Cu Mid Cent Chem 'Minn-Maline 35a Mont Ward 64T Merria 02 Murray Rodr 37 Nan-Kelvi 10 iNall Biscuit 41s Res lS' gatL Dairy Prd 40 Central Amer Avis 171 American yi9 -Nortliern Fae iOhto Oil lOri Else 41 Ovens liltnoia Pacific Gm 54 Packard Mol 3 Paramount 4 Penney 7e Penn PR 26 Cola Phelm Dodte 34'a Philcn IS' Phil Petrol 72' Proct pr A Gam lei' Pullman Inc 31 40 4 22' 4 23 1 14s 15: Walgreen Drug 37s 30 -Warner Bros 2lse 'W Jnrtle Pug 21 west Kt Coal Wet Union Elec 'heeling Steel 7 woolwoirh l' Uerwwp PuITB iTJwneiey 35 30 Your BUST 57s 57''Zenllh 01s C0S4 Zoute -1 iri AMEE STOCK rXfHAXGE 571 I ciSe 12 54 -Coaxtal Caribbean 3 (Creoie 74 El Baud Sc Share 3s Humble Oil is 22 B7a Hi 42 iii 73s 2lsa 50s 4 NOW IN EVANSVILLE! Illinois HARRISBURG Moore 91 retired grocer died Sunday at his home 106 Virginia-st here The body is at Gibbons Funeral Home Livestock (If I' Dept of Aarieolnirt) EVANSVILLE Nov Hf rripti 1000 very (tow slaughter stern heifers and rowi wait to SOe lower with Mine late bid 11 lower: bulls etredv tew loads end tola choke s'eera 2250-24 eood to low choirs llf-22 commercial to low good 514-1750: U'lllty to iow rtimmtrcia! 1050-13 50 choice heller scarce: cood heifers 1160-30: com mercial to low good 13-16 utility to low commercial 950-1250: utility and commercial cows 9-11: most sale 1050 down: earners and cutien 0-9: shelly eannera 55 and below: utility and commercial bulla flt-12: ranner cutter 150-1: atocker and leader steers and heiferi stead to weak: anod and choice steers 114-11: common and medium 9-14 CALVES Receipts 150: waters 1-2 lower: good and choice SK-34: the 24 price fur high choice: prime abirat: utility and commercial 10-10: ilausbler reives mostly 1 lower: good and cnoice 300-5 Of lb 12-17: utility and commercial 1-12 Receipts 1500: active barrows and alii unevenly steady ro 25c hither than Friday with weight above 130 lbs fuilv 2Se higher: sows mostly 25c higher: bulk choice 1 3 and 3 from 170-230 lb barrows and tilts 2075-31: few truck loads and lota choice mostly 1 around 110-310 lbs 2110-2125 one truck lot choice 1 2135 230-250 lbs 2025-2075: 250-270 lbs S20-2050 270-30 lbs S1S50-2025 10-170 lbs 52025-2075: 120-10 lbs 110-2025: bulk choke imi 10: few choice I ishtwrlshts around 10-25: extrema heavies around 17 boara 512-14 59 Receipts 125: slaughter lamb mostly Me lower: ewei stridv: choice and prime wookd Iambs 11750-11 SO: iood and rhoite 11350-1750 cull and utility 7-1350: ewes S3-0I0 latter price for choice 1 Ishtwrlshts Rolf Paper Frets Equipment To Print and Clue Carbon In One Speedy Operation 75' By ED KLINGLER The Indiana Highway Commission is mulling a proposi tion that involves the biggest feat of its kind in Evansville history in connection with clearing the right-of-way for the West Side Expressway and involves moving the fbuistory On-Iron Company on the southwest comer of Pennsylvania Street and Fourth Avenue The right-of-way as designed by Indiana Highway Department engineers would slice 30 feet or more off the front of the Orr budding Orr Iron is die oldest ansville business to remain in continuous operation and still is in the hands of the same family The state's right-of-way negotiators were told by Orr management that it couldn't get along without the floor space it would lose if the front was cut from the building The proposal to which Ihe negotiators agreed and recommended to the Highway Commission is to move the building The proposed new location would be across Fourth Avenue on a parking lot now maintained by Orr Iron On this lot it would be possible to set the building back far enough to be off the right-of-way The Orr building is larger than any other ever moved in Evansville It was built in 1912 It's of brick over steel construction with stone trim It occupies an entire quarter block and each of its four floors has more than 20000 square feet of floor space Highway Department officials say that because of its sturdy construction and steel framework moving it would not be too difficult for professional moving engineers They already have examined the building at the Highway Department's request and made estimates on the moving cost A cost figure was not revealed but it is reported to be consid- WITHOUT LOCAL FANFARE Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation has put into the Evansville market a new viscosity index" motor oil It hasn't been heralded because the advertising material hasn't been completed But the oil is being sold now in all D-X stations It's loosely described as D-X Special The new motor oil pours and handles the same in cold weather as it does in hot weather The company claims its use eliminates the necessity of changing to lighter oil in the winter and heavier oil in the summer In other words D-X Special is a year-around oU MERCHANTS ARE REASON BLY sure they're going to do' the biggest Christmas business in their history The early buyers already are at it Several major stores have had their toy departments open since Oct 1 The traditional of the Christmas shopping season is the day after Thanksgiving which this year would make it Friday Nov 27 Shopping will be stimulated again Dc 1 when the Downtown town Retail Merchants Associa tion sponsors its annual Christ mas parade From then on Tmo Oil 27 '4 Inter Petrol 28- 2U 30s 3(1' 14s If O' 13' 34U HARRISBURG Mrs Lei a Vinson 54 died Sunday morning at her home here MT CARMEL Mrs Ruth McGill Goldman wife of Clyde Goldman died at 7:30 pm Sunday at her home near Cowling The body io at Short Funeral Home Mead Johnson Nile Bement Pacific Peta 21s 20s Hoyalite Oil M7 54 Bo Penn Oil --66 a'! Standard Oil Ky 41 4 4C4 Wrt-Harareavea 1 15 10 14s 10 9's ll'i 34 NO NEED TO SEND CARBON -INTERLEAVED BUSINESS FORMS TO FAR DISTANT CITIES AND WAIT MONTHS io: Indiana Funeral for Chester Goldman 47 a trucker will be Tuesday at 2 pm at Colvin and Son Funeral Home the Rev Barnes officiating Burial in Odd Fellows Cemetery with rites by the Veterans of Foreign Wars HARRISBURG Funeral for Mrs Minnie Hamilton 77 who died Saturday at the home of her $on Henry Simpson in Joliet III was at 1 pm Monday at the First Christian Church here continued at 3 pm at Cave-In-Rock Christian Church Burial at FUNERALS Funeral for MU-harl Richard Hennessey five-weeks-old son of Mr and Mrs James Hennessey of 2814 Eloise-av who died early Sunday will be at the home at 2 pm Wednesday The Rev A Chapin will officiate Burial in Park Lawn Cemetery Johann Funeral Home is in charge A inquest determined the child died of pneumonia Exclusive In 150 Mile Radius at Kriejer Ragsdale Printers and Lithographers 109 SECOND DIAL 4-926S DALE Mrs Matilda Med calf 79 died at the home of hei son Roscoe here Sunday Also surviving are: another son Samuel Evansville daughter Mrs Hildreth Hodson Princeton: ATnrsw t- -i j- brother David Arnold Oliva Ky ALBION Jim Bailey 49 diedjnine grandchildren and 10 great- Sunday en route here from a hospital in Canada where he had been under treatment for cancer grandchildren Funeral will he Wednesday ai 1 pm at Fuller Funeral Home Burial in Dale Cemetery About 70 million meals are ser-ved daily in public ealing places Christmas buying as usual will be self-propelled Association member stores will be open the night of the parade Tuesday Dec 1 There'll be other night hours for shoppers in addition to the usual Friday nights Stores will be open until 8:30 pm on Mondays Dec 7 14 and 21 Tuesday Dec 22 Wednesday Dec 23 On Christmas Eve as usual stores will be closed Grain VHMl (Bt Idrbrert Brethen) samv- THOMAS STOCKTON SOYBEANS RENT THE CHICKEN COOP Cm AniH Wail Helcbtg FOR PARTIES DANCES FAMILY GATHERINGS laluiaJ and Krdeeeratei Cal UT HEKSIAN rbona (-lM WHO! IS STATE FARM? An organiaalisn famona for law ml antemeblla Innranee becaas II aim le Innre enlv LESS rOT-1Y carefnl driven Call wia for mart WILHELM BECKIR AGENCY BECKER 21271 Franklin Ph 4-4372 I a 3: 4' Reg PODIATRIST FOOT AILMENTS 217 GREIN BLDG 2-1152 Call for Appointment DEATHS Madieon A Rumam former Fv ansville resident died in the Veteran's Administration Hospital at West Haven Conn He was about 30 Mr Busam was the son of Mrs Bertha Robey Browning a and had made his home al 35 Jef-ferson-av when here Also surviving is a brother Lee Ziliak West Haven The bodT will arrive at Johann Memorial Temple Tuesday afternoon Mr Katherine Krhnenlauh 0 of 609 Garfield-av died at St Mary's Hospital at 12:20 am Monday She was a member of SI John's Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Degree of Honor Protective Association Surviving are a daughter Kathryn Jo Gladish Evansville brothers Jacob and Frank Mueller both of Evansville sisters Miss Mary Mueller Mrs Emma Holzgrafe and Mrs Susie Schneider aU of Inglefield two grandchildren nieces and nephews The body is at Johann Memorial Temple Mr Kathryn Ulrich of 1316 Fifth-av died in St Mary's Hospital at 2:15 pm Sunday She was 48 Mrs Ulrich was a member of St Anthony's Catholic Church and was active in the Altar Society of the church Surviving are her husband Harold and sons Harold Donald James Norman and Leonard all of Evansville seven grandchildren and an aunt and uncle Funeral will be at Ziemer Funeral Home at 7:30 am Wednes day continued at St Catholic Church at 8 Burial in St Joseph's Cemetery A memorial service will be conducted by St Altar Society at 7:30 pm Tuesday at the funeral home at (Bv Xrf'arty Krti Cm) I i ad brown 5242 per bushel yellow 2(7 per bushel Bawd on 8 No 1 with per cent moisture and 3 per cent foreign maicrlaL I HIDES AND WOOLS H'f Klees re) 0 fhane without not ire) Trimmed cured under 41 lbs lb b-: ree over 4 lb 7c cured over 45 lbs 7c lb 'urd horsehlriea No 1 up: Clear arooL 45e lbs fin av S'j ii11? hurry 40c lb hard burry 3Sc ft! 0e lb: burry lamhu 17c yool Me lb braid wool 35c lb n- yeiiow root $1 49 lh: tnayapplt 12c IN BY 3:30 OUT SAME DAY THOMAS TRIMBLE ATTOBXEY AT LAW Now practicing al 22 COURT BLDG rh 5-6015 Produce IMiraVlk miiianmilfT iniimi "wholMale It MAKKET poults 2 raw HU wfffwww9S9wW9mi HOUR SERVICE NO IXTRA CHARGI AT Four-ln-one Pries a Mia an tocsl BWtetJ chans today I ht km lio 1 33a ROOItlfl a em aLBC BroUors rmairciil Fie LVlIOlKIl ROi 1 mm If( arn run sryars 22c BWi lORS Off I 42c Yount white dlirks 33c Common Dlzanni aaca SIM I EA9T AT Eon MARKETS NATIONAL STOCKYARDS 111 Nov IS Estimated receipts 14S00: leirly active weights 22S lbs down steady to 10c lower over 220 Ibi 15-35c mostly 25c hither: sews 25-t0c higher choice 110-250 ibs 12075-21 several hundred head 52115 250-270 lbs 52025-3005 27(1-340 lbs 51075-2035: 150 la 170 lbs- 020-2125: sows 117-1075 boars 1350-17 CATTLE Estimated receipia 0500: Calves Etimated receipts 2000: opening low: emrlv action on steers and mixed yearllnts: confined to few choice at 123-24: these about steady cows opening about steady utility and commercial 9-1150: canners and cutter 1050-050 bull opening steady utility and commercial 11050-1250: scalers 2 lower good and choice 017-23: lew prime 120 utility and commercial 10-10 Estimated receipts 3000: woo led lamb 50c lower: choke and prima 110-10 LOLTBVILLK LIVESTOCK LOUISVILLE Ky Nov 10 (API UBDA hobs 1200: choice 175-350 lb butchers mostly 3050-3100 moderate supply choice one and tv mostly 200-330 lb 311-2125 Itw 250-370 lb 2000-2035: Choke lb sows 1000-1000 old boars 1100 Calyea OM: vealers slow 100-2 JO tower: choke and prime mostly 22 00-2000 lew head' high prune early 2700: lom-merclal and cood 12 00-2100: cull and utility 4 00-1000: weighty slaughter calves steady to weak commercial to choice 000-1500 Sheep 000: rhoire and prime lambs 10 00-20 00 most good and choir 10-1000 few cull ana utility 500-1500 cull to rhoke slaughter ewes 300-0 00 Cattle 3000: good to low choir around 000-1035 lb steers 1000-23 00: commercial and good lit hi weight heiferi and mixed yearling 1400-1000 utility and commercial cows 0 50-1150: banners and cui-rers mostly Con-050: light shells down 300: utility and commercial bulls 000-1300: medium and good stockcrs and feeders steady at 1500-15 00 Inquest To Be Held In Death of Infant OWENSBORO Ky (Special) County coroner Allen Haley will conduct an inquest into the Friday death of William Frederick Anders 16-month-old Rockport infant who died in Owensboro-Daviess County Hospital here The child son of Mr and Mrs William Anders Rockport died of a massive internal hemorrhage according to an autopsy report Coroner Haley said he would conduct the inquest because of unusual in the death The child wfs brought to the hospital by its parents and died eight hours after admission The father told authorities he backed his auto out of the driveway of his home then saw the child lying in ihe street He said he didn't know if he or some auto in the street hit the boy PIY7TTT3r? Q33 QDSQtEfi? CGSg Rick-a-Jay DRIVE-IN GLEANERS 1M A Wafafcach Near Cavort Oi Steel can be rolled into strips as thin as 0015 of an inch a 3IOX-TVE-WE1K -IME-C-D-A-IL- Funeal for Miss Martha Rliim-enstiel 75 Newburgh who died Saturday will be at Robert Greek Mortuary at 2 pm Tuesday The Rev Dr Matthew Cavell will officiate Burial in Oak Hill Cemetery Miss Blumenstiel who had made her home with a niece Mrs Raymond Kincaid Newburgh was a charter member of First Presbyterian Church She was formerly employed by the old II Bacon Company a wholesale drygoods store on Main Street She later worked for DeJongs Surviving besides the niece are a sister Mrs William Brown and nephew Jess Broun both of Evansville Pallbearers will be Harold Hesc-man Macer and Tom Kincaid Jess Bi-own Carlisle Schroeder and Carl Selle ralihearera for the funeral of Mrs Susan Moehlenkamp Mosrh-ncr 71 of 204 Oregon-st who died Friday were John and Julius Trageser William Martin Charles Burns Lee Koch and Vic Melton Funeral was at Ziemer Funeral Home at 7:30 am Monday continued at St Anthony's Catholic Church at 8 Burial in St Cemetery Funeral for Roy Henry Stratton 62 of 12-F Eichel-av who died Saturday will be at Johann Memorial Temple at 2 pm Tuesday The Rev William Todd will officiate Burial in Sunset Memorial Gardens Funeral for Mi Ada Pauli 62 of RR 3 Anchorage Ky who died Saturday' will be at Johann Memorial Temple at 1 pm Tuesday The Rev Manfred Haas will officiate Burial in Campground Cemetery Funeral for Henry (Duke) Von Sachse 43 of 616 Baker-av who died Saturday will be at Johann Memorial Temple at 9 am Tuesday The Rev Joseph Wick will officiate Burial in Fairmont Cemetery Henderson Funeral for Joseph Warren Brown 87 of 2220 Haag-av who died Saturday will be a Chapel Church of the Nazarene at 2 pm Tuesday The Rev Samuel Schimpf will officiate Burial in Oak Hill Cemetery The body will remain at the residence until noon Tuesday when it will be a to the church Johann Memorial Temple is in charge of arrangements Fhneral for John Schmits 64 of Fulton-av who died Saturday will be at Schaefe Funeral Home at 10 am Tuesday The Rev John Rager will officiate Burial iiv St Joseph's Cemetery Also surviving is a BEAUTIFUL NEW 1954 PLYMOUTH GIVEN AWAY NOTHING TO BUY JUST FILL OUT A CARD EACH TIME YOU VISIT THE SAVEWAY YOU MAY BE THE WINNER! Funeral Costs The coil of funerals is frequently misunderstood To giv you a true icture of tho facts we quote figures recent study of National Se- lected Morticians covering 112865 funerals conducted by members in the United States We are proud to bo member of this group Funeral fervices under 200 276 Funeral services 350 307 Funeral services 600 345 Funeral services 56 Funeral sarvicas over $1000 16 Fresh Made HAMBURGER PAN SAUSAGE 25' Kentucky OWENSBORO Funeral for Hugh Wetzel 37 Owensboro businessman who died at his home here Saturday night will be at 10 am Tuesday' in Eaton Memorial Baptist Church the Rev Henry Schaefer officiating Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery with rites by the Owensboro Masonic Lodge Mr Wetzel operated an appliance store and a supermarket here He moved here 11 years ago from Spottsviile where he formerly owned a grocery store MADISOXVILLE "Mr Eliza beth Griffin Crowley 72 died Sunday at her home in Slaughters Funeral will be at 2 pm Tuesday at Zion Church near Slaughters Burial in the church cemetery PROVIDENCE Funeral for Mrs Hughes 71 Providence who died Saturday night was at lit am Monday at First Baptist Church Burial will be in Gallatin Tenn Mrs Hughes died in Gallatin while visiting her daughter and son-in-law Dr and Mrs Dedman Also surviving are: husband City Judge Hughes: son Dr Darrel Hughes Austin Tex sister Mrs Pierce Curry and brother Clusky Wallace both of Evansville and five SmcUCm SkintpMH FRANKS ib- 29 4 Lkr JM 5400 $400 Sllred Piece BOLOGNA ib 29 4 iJ Sugar Cured Average lb GOP Wife At Cannelton Dies CANNELTON Mrs Nell Reed 48 wire of Maurice Reed chairman of Perrjr County Republican Central Commitee died of a heart attack while en route from ber home to St Evangelical Church Sunday morning Coroner Edward Gillick said death was due to coronary throm-bonii Mrs Reed was active in church work and recently was elected president of the Women's Guild at St Surviving In addition to her An' band are: non Norman with the Army in Trieste and Robert of Cannelton daughters Misses Betty snd Carolyn Reed at home sisters Mrs Amy Zoller Cannelton Mrs Grace Chapman Evansville Mrs PoiV Garrison Lawrence Ind snd Mrs Iola Froehlich of Chicago 111: brother Kenneth Howe Detroit Mich The body is at Huber Funeral Home Tender tllb 3 VEAL CHOPS lb 35 3 Vrvsh Crittp HEAD Ptire Cane SUGAR 10 89e Funeral for Richard Allen (Rick) Hunter seven-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Paul Livingston 1101 Kentucky-av who died Saturday of injuries suffered when he was struck by a car in front of his home Nov 10-will be at Boone Funeral Home at 10:30 am Tuesday The Rev A Smith and the Rev Josep Wick will officiate Burial in Park Lawn Cemetery A pupil at Stanley Hall Grade School Rick attended East Side Baptist Church Sunday School Surviving besides his parents are brothers Donald Wayne and Billy Gene Hunter Florida sister Nancy Marie Livingston at home and grandparents Mr and Mrs Frank Bunescu Chicago and Mr and Mrs Livingston PROVIDENCE Funeral for Mrs Effie Terrell 68 who died Saturday night at her home in Shady Grove Kv was at 2 pm Monday at Tradeivater Valley Baptist Church Burial in Shady Grove LETTUCE 2 25 CURRENT RATE 3 WADE INSURANCE AGENCY SU Srd Main Bldg Phone 8-S1U Coverage Since STURGIS Funeral for Thomas Frank Holt 63 who died Saturday at his home here was at Tabernacle Baptist Church Burial in Sturgis Cemetery ft bglpv vis Insurance records dearly show That savingMs no joko Of man alivi At sixty-fivi Five out of six art broke All accounts with us Insured up to 10000 STURGIS Funeral for Mrs Neelie Kykendall Dalton 77 who died Saturday at her home here was at 1:30 pm Monday at First Baptist Church here Burial in Sturgis Cemetery CALHOUN Leslie Hayden 49 Calhoun businessman died Saturday at his home here Funeral for Benjamin David Evans 18 of 401 Woods-av who died Saturday of injuries suffered in a motorcycle-car accident Nov 7 was at Alexander Funeral Home at 3 pm Monday The Rev Lacy Satterfield and the Rev Kingsley Herron officiated Burial was in Tupman Cemetery I' t-i -FUNEMLS- Zismsr Funeral Home Pint An gi4 Delaware Ik loon FiQELian ttnnis-nniuassToxns CALHOUN Funeral for Mrs Fannie Jordon 79 who died Saturday at her home here was at 2 pm Monday at Muster Funeral Home Burial in Calhobn Cemetery Surviving are: daughters Mrs Yula Turner Calhoun and Mrs Ray Dyer Hardinsburg sisters Mrs Laura Ivey Kokomo Ind Mrs Ora Proctor Evansville and Mrs Mary Rucks Cleveland Ohio brothers Boatwright and Robert Boatwright both of I Evansville and Oscar Boatright 'Calhoun and one granddaughter SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN 11 NW FOII2TH PHONE S-22SS -2250 "Member Federal Norn Loss lask ULRICK Sin At Chapel 7:3 Wednesday AM Si Anthony's Catholic- Church Burial a St Joseph's Cemetery The Oalet IMgaltr of ZIEMEB PCXES AL SEBVICE la rn4acM Megger BeHttlgg the Tribal Tea Wish to Bestow AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 5-8135 COFFMAN BROS Engineered Heating 601 Fulton Phone 4-7259 IO If' mfi ri-i 7 7 4 4 a A.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.