Boa Constrictor Facts (2024)

Boa Constrictor Facts (1)

Boa constrictors are non-venomous snakes famous for their method of subduing prey: squeezing, or constricting, it to death. Though they are not as long as their relatives, anacondas and reticulated pythons, boa constrictors rank among the longest snakes in the world.

Size and appearance

The longest reported boa constrictor was 13 feet (4 meters) long, according to the University of Michigan’s Animal Diversity Web (ADW). However, boa constrictors are generally between 6.5 and 9.8 feet (2 and 3 m) long. They can weigh more than 100 lbs. (45 kilograms), according to National Geographic. Females are often larger than males, according to a 2003 article published in the journalAmphibia-Reptilia.

By comparison, green anacondas reach up to nearly 20 feet (6 m) long, and reticulated pythons are commonly 16 to 25 feet (4.8 to 7.6 m) long, according to the ADW.

Boa constrictors have saddle-like markings running the length of their bodies. The markings are dark on a light tan or gray background, according to Bill Heyborne, a herpetologist and professor of biology at Southern Utah University. The saddle markings become more prominent near the tail.

Boa constrictors also usually have marks on their heads, though the configuration can vary from species to species, said Heyborne. Typically, a stripe runs from the snout to the back of the head, and a dark triangle between the snout and the eyes continues behind the eyes, where it slopes down toward the jaw. Boa constrictors sometimes have spots across their bodies.

Boa constrictors have small, hooked teeth that they use to grab and hold prey. If their teeth fall out or become damaged, they can regrow them. Boa constrictors do not have fangs, but their jaws can stretch incredibly wide, allowing them to swallow large prey, according toNational Geographic.

Boa constrictors, like all members of the Boidae family, have pelvic spurs. “Boas possess spurs on either side of the vent [cloaca], at the posterior of the body,” said Heyborne. “The spurs connect internally to rudimentary leg and pelvic bones, and are in fact, the remnants of hind legs.” The spurs are larger in males than females.

Boa Constrictor Facts (2)

Range and habitat

Boa constrictors are New World snakes, meaning they live exclusively in the Western hemisphere, according to the ADW. They are found throughout the Americas, ranging from northern Mexico through Central America and into Peru on the west side of the Andes and south to Argentina on the east side. They are also found on islands in the Caribbean and off the Pacific coast.

Previously, scientists thought that all members of the family Boidae were New World snakes, but certain boa species have been discovered in remote areas such as Mauritius and New Guinea, according to theSan Diego Zoo.

Though stories often depict boa constrictors living in jungles, their habitats are actually much more diverse. When they do reside in rainforests, they tend to stick to the edges or clearings. They can also be found in dry tropical deserts and semi-deserts, woodlands, scrub and agricultural areas. They are often found near streams or rivers, according to the ADW.


Boa constrictors are typically solitary, said Heyborne. They are mostly nocturnal, though they will sometimes come out during the day to sun themselves in cooler temperatures.

These snakes, especially young ones, are semi-arboreal, said Heyborne. Though they are good swimmers, they prefer to be on dry land or in trees. Because of their large size, they tend to move in a straight line instead of slithering back and forth like smaller snakes, according to the San Diego Zoo. Sometimes they hide in the burrows of medium-sized mammals.

“Like all snakes, they must shed their skin in order to grow,” said Heyborne. When they’re shedding, boa constrictors “tend to become more easily stressed and thus more aggressive,” though that tends to vary from snake to snake and across populations.

Also when shedding, boa constrictors’ eyes cloud over as a lubricating substance develops under the old skin layer to shield the eye. This affects their vision and as a result, they often stay still for a few days until their vision returns to normal, Heyborne said. When not clouded, boa constrictors have excellent vision. Along with their tongues, which gather sensory information as they do for most snakes, boa constrictors’ eyes are the primary tools through which they perceive the world, especially since boa constrictors do not have heat-sensory pits like most other members of the Boidae family do.

Hunting and diet

Boa constrictors tend to be ambush predators that sit and wait for desired prey to pass from their tree perch or burrow, said Heyborne. He noted that active foraging behaviors have been noted in places with less dense prey populations.

Boa constrictors’ diets are composed mostly of small mammals like rats and squirrels. According to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, bats are a favorite food, which boa constrictors catch while hanging from trees or the mouths of caves, snatching their prey as it flies by.

Though most of their prey is not astoundingly large, boa constrictors will eat anything they can get their enormous, stretchable jaws around. This includes monkeys, pigs and deer. According to the ADW, it takes boa constrictors up to six days to digest a meal.

Constricting to kill

Probably the best-known characteristic of boa constrictors is their method of killing. Boas are not venomous; rather, they kill their prey by constriction, or squeezing, it to death. There are, however, some common misconceptions about how that constricting works, said Heyborne.

One is that boa constrictors crush or break the bones of their prey. Another is that they suffocate it, squeezing the prey’s lungs too tightly to work. Scientists held this belief until quite recently, when apaper revealedwhat happens to prey animals during constriction. “It turns out that the squeezing overwhelms the circulatory system,” explained Heyborne. “Blood cannot get to the brain, and the animal dies within seconds due to ischemia.”

Once the prey is dead, the boa constrictor swallows it whole.


“Boas tend to be solitary, until mating time,” said Heyborne. Boa constrictors typically mate during the dry season, which in their range tends to be from April until September, according to a study published in the Journal of Herpetology. The same study found evidence suggesting that females do not mate every year, while males do. The researchers hypothesized that females may only decide to mate when in top physical condition. Nevertheless, females can mate with more than one male per season. Females are widely scattered, and males must work to find them; to help with this task, females emit a scent from their cloacas when they wish to mate. (Cloacas are single openings found on the posterior of snakes used to access reproductive organs, urinary tracts and intestinal canals).

Boa constrictors are ovoviviparous, meaning they give birth to live young, said Heyborne. Inside the mother, individual clear membranes protect embryos by regulating temperatures. When they are born, the baby snakes have to push their way through the membranes. Their gestation period is about five to eight months, depending on the local temperature. Females give birth to litters that range from 10 to 64 young, with the average being around 25.

Once born, boa constrictors are fully independent. Their appearance doesn’t change much as they age, though their colors might fade a bit. Young boa constrictors tend to spend a lot of time in trees, said Heyborne. “As they grow larger and heavier, they will spend more time on the ground.” They reach sexual maturity around 2 or 3 years.


There are at least nine subspecies of boa constrictors, according to the ADW. The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) lists 10. The number changes regularly as scientists conduct research. In fact, a comment on theBoa constrictor report on ITISsays:

As of late 2014, it appears that some subspecies and synonyms under Boa constrictor … may need to be split out and allocated to one or more separate species. For example, there are indications that Boa constrictor imperator … may represent a separate species, possibly to contain all the Central American representatives; however, until more complete sampling and analysis (and examination of type specimens) have been completed, it remains unclear which subspecies and synonyms would belong under the proposed species Boa imperator (or other species?), and which would remain under Boa constrictor.

As of November 2015, according to ITIS, the taxonomy of boa constrictors is:

Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Bilateria Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Infraphylum: Gnathostomata Superclass: Tetrapoda Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Serpentes Infraorder: Alethinophidia Family: Boidae Genus & species:Boa constrictor Subspecies:

  • Boa constrictor amarali— Amarai's boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor constrictor— red-tailed boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor imperator— common Northern boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor longicauda— Tumbes Peru boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor mexicana— Mexican boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor nebulosa— Dominican clouded boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor occidentalis— Argentine boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor orophias— St. Lucia boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor ortonii— Orton's boa constrictor
  • Boa constrictor sabogae— Pearl Island boa constrictor

Typical boa

When most people hear the words “boa constrictor,” they usually think of the red-tailed boa, said Heyborne. They have dark saddle-like markings on a tannish background. “The saddles become more prominent and more brightly colored (reddish) toward the tail end, giving the snakes their common name,” he said.

They are very popular as pets. According toReptiles Magazine, animals bred in captivity often have brighter coloration than those found in the wild. Pet owners should be aware that they grow quickly, reaching six feet in just a few years and growing up to 12 feet long.

Boa Constrictor Facts (3)

Boa by another name

Several different snakes are called "boas" but are actually not members of theBoagenus. Many of them are popular as pets. For example, theJamaican yellow boa, or simply the “yellow snake,” is a member of a different Boidae genus,Epicrates subflavus. It is found only on the island of Jamaica and is the island’s largest terrestrial predator, according to an article inMolecular Ecology. They can grow to be about 6 feet long.

Similarly, theemerald tree boais a brilliant green snake, also in the Boidae family but not a subspecies ofBoa constrictor. True to their name, emerald tree boas (Corallus caninus) are typically a stunning green color, though the shade can vary from bright as fresh grass to a duskier olive. Emerald tree boas live in South America and range from Venezuela to Peru and Bolivia to Brazil. They get bigger the farther they are into the Amazon Basin, according to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park.

Rosy boas are relatively small snakes, and also are not true boa constrictors. They are members of the Charinidae family named Charina trivirgata. They grow to just over 3 feet. They are native to the United States, being found in eastern California and Arizona as well as in Northern Mexico and Baja California, according Rosy boas live in deserts, scrublands and rocky hills. They are secretive snakes that live in burrows during the day.

Rubber boasare close cousins of the rosy boas and are also found in North America. They live in northern, cooler climates like the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. Some also live in Southern California. These snakes get their name from their distinctive smooth skin and tendency to curl themselves up in what looks like a rubber ball when threatened, according toSeattle’s Burke Museum.

Conservation status

Boa constrictors are not listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species. However, they are on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Appendix II, which means they are not currently under threat of extinction but that may change if trade is not carefully controlled. The subspeciesBoa constrictor oxidentalisis more endangered and on the CITES Appendix I list.

Some populations of boa constrictors have come under threat from hunters seeking their attractive skins and meat. They have also faced habitat loss from both urban and agricultural development as well as increased danger from road vehicles. Boa constrictors have also been overly collected for the pet trade, according to the ADW.

Other facts

Boa constrictors rarely, if ever, attack people, except in self-defense, according to the ADW. People, even children are too big for a boa constrictor to swallow.

Morphs are varieties of snakes (and other animals) that have been selectively bred to produce markings, eye colors and sizes that are different than they are in the wild.

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Jessie Szalay

Live Science Contributor

Jessie Szalay is a contributing writer to FSR Magazine. Prior to writing for Live Science, she was an editor at Living Social. She holds an MFA in nonfiction writing from George Mason University and a bachelor's degree in sociology from Kenyon College.

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Boa Constrictor Facts (2024)


What are some fun facts about boa constrictors? ›

After a large meal, a boa doesn't need to eat again for weeks. A boa constrictor grows throughout its whole life, which can be 20 to 30 years. An adult boa will generally weigh more than 100 pounds (45 kilograms) and grow to about 13 feet (4 meters) long. Boa constrictors tend to live alone.

What makes a boa constrictor unique? ›

Boas are considered primitive snakes, differing from other species by having two vestigial (remnant) hind limbs. These vestigial limbs appear as spurs on either side of the cloaca. Like all snakes, boas are excellent swimmers, but they usually avoid going into the water as much as possible.

How long can a boa constrictor live? ›

Captive life expectancy is 20 to 30 years, with rare accounts of over 40 years, making them a long-term commitment as a pet. The greatest reliable age recorded for a boa constrictor in captivity is 40 years, 3 months, and 14 days.

How fast is a boa constrictor? ›

They can't move very fast, only about 1 mile per hour (1.6 kilometres per hour) on open ground. But since they don't have to chase their food, they don't need to travel quickly. Boa constrictors can swim; most don't spend significant time in water.

How long can a boa constrictor go without eating? ›

Answer and Explanation: Boa constrictors can go a very long time without eating, weeks or even months if necessary since they are cold-blooded organisms who do not need to keep a high metabolism (like we warm-blooded humans do).

Do boa constrictors like to be held? ›

Most boas do like to be handled, especially with practice.

How many hearts does a boa constrictor have? ›

Snakes have only one heart, which has three chambers. Mammals have one heart with four chambers.

Do boa constrictors show affection? ›

Snakes and other reptiles are generally not affectionate to humans. They may become more tolerant of their owners, but they remain mysterious and hard to read when it comes to emotions.

Are boa constrictors friendly? ›

While boas are generally quite docile in temperament, it is important to respect their inherent strength. Just as they constrict around their prey, they can wrap themselves tightly—and painfully—around you. However, with regular handling most boas learn to be comfortable around people.

Do boas have good eyesight? ›

While not all snakes have good eyesight (some can only distinguish between light and dark), the Red-Tailed Boa has very sharp eyesight and is even able to see ultraviolet light.

How long do boas stay pregnant? ›

Boa constrictors give birth approximately 105 days after postovulatory shedding and approximately 123 days after ovulation [1,21]. In comparing the mean gestation length of primiparous and pluriparous, there were no significant differences.

How many babies do boas have? ›

Female boas incubate eggs inside their bodies and give birth up to 60 live babies. Boas are about 2 feet long when they are born and grow continually throughout their 25 to 30-year lifespan.

What are some fun facts about boas? ›

Discover what makes the great boa constrictor so fascinating.
  • All Boas Are Constrictors, but There's Only One Boa Constrictor. ...
  • Boa Constrictors Give Birth to Live Babies. ...
  • They Don't Kill Their Prey by Suffocation. ...
  • They Still Use What's Left of Their Legs. ...
  • Living With Boas Is a Long Commitment.

How old is the oldest boa constrictor? ›

Boas can live up to 25 years in the wild and up to 30 years or more in captivity. The oldest common boa in captivity was recorded to have lived 40 years.

What age are boa constrictors fully grown? ›

Columbian Red Tailed Boa Fact Sheet
Life span:20 years in the wild 40 years under human care
Egg Gestation:120 – 150 days
Number of young at birth:30 on average
Age of maturity:18 months – 3 years
10 more rows


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