Annie's Love Song/Transcript (2024)

Episode InfoTranscriptGallery


  • 1 Opening
  • 2 Episode Script
  • 3 Curtain Call
  • 4 Allusions


Quincy: Annie's Love Song.

June: Art... Kuna Molas.

Annie: And music...

[Piano playing "Piano Concerto No. 21"]

Leo: "Piano Concerto No. 21", written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Episode Script[]

[The episode starts with Little Einsteins playing at the beach.]

Annie: ♪Hi, hi, hi!♪♪ I'm Annie. I'm playing with my best friends at the beach. Do you like to play with your best friends? Great!

Leo: But guess what? We're not the only best friends at the beach.

Rocket: [Jingles "There are hermit crabs, too!"]

Leo: There are two little hermit crabs at the beach, that love playing together.

Quincy: Hmm, I don't see the little hermit crabs anywhere.

June: That's because hermit crabs like to live inside seashells.

Annie: Do you see the shells that have hermit crabs in them? Yeah, there they are!

Hermit crabs: [Jingling "Hello there!"]

June: Aw, They're adorable!

Annie: Come on. Let's wave hello to the hermit crabs. Open and close your hands like little claws. That's it. We're waving to the hermit crabs. Say Hi Hermit Crabs. Hi, hermit crabs.

Leo: Look, the hermit crabs are clicking their claws.

Hermit crabs: [Jingling]

Annie: These hermit crabs loves to play together. The blue hermit crab is click click clicking his claws together.

Red hermit crab: [Jingling]

Leo: And it's making the red hermit crab laugh.

[All laughing]

Quincy: Best friends sure do have fun together.

[Hermit crabs playing "Piano Concerto No. 21"]

Leo: Listen, the hermit crabs are singing to us.

June: It's a friendship song. The hermit crabs want to be friends with us.

Annie: I want to be their friend, too.

June: Me, too.

Quincy: So do I.

Leo: Annie, can you sing the friendship song back to the hermit crabs?

Annie: Sure I can. [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

Quincy: Whoa, look over there. The friendship song is making those best friend dolphins want to play together.

Leo: And look over there, too.

June: It's making those baby monkeys want to play together.

Leo: Wow, what an amazing friendship song.


Quincy: Whoa!

Red hermit crab: [Jingling in fright]

Annie: Hey, wait a second. I see the blue hermit crab. But where did the red hermit crab go? You're right, he got washed out to sea!

Rocket: [Jingling "Oh, no!"]

[The team looking in horror]

June: Oh-no, that wave look him so far away!

Blue hermit crab: [Jingling sadly]

Annie: Don't worry, little hermit crab. The Little Einsteins will help you find your best friend. Best friends have to be together. Will you help us find the red hermit crab? Great!

[Baton jingles]

Leo: We've got a mission. We're going to rescue the red hermit crab. Let... the mission... begin!

[Door closes]

Leo: Buckle your seatbelts.

All except Leo: Seatbelts buckled!

Leo: Prepare for blast off. We need to give Rocket a lot of power. Put your hands on your lap and pat with us. pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Faster! Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Now raise your arm as high as you can and say blast off!

All: Blast off!!

Annie: Hold on tight cause here we go.

All: Whoa.

Leo: Whoo Hoo.

Quincy: All right.

Leo: Come on, we've got to find the little red hermit crab.

Quincy: But I don't see him anywhere.

[Blue hermit crab singing "Piano Concerto No. 21"]

Annie: Good idea, hermit crab. Maybe if we sing the friendship song, your best friend will hear us and sing back! [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

June: Now, let's listen to the red hermit crab singing the friendship song.

[Piano playing]

Annie: Does that sound like the red hermit crab? No, that's a seahorse. Let's listen somewhere else.

[Angry music playing]

Annie: Does that sound like the red hermit crab? No. [Fearfully] That's a shark.

Quincy: [wailing] Yikes! I really hope we don't run into him!

Annie: Rocket, try listening someplace else.

["Piano Concerto No. 21" playing]

Annie: Does that sound like the red hermit crab? Yes, you found him!

Leo: But look, he's stuck in the Gulf Stream!

June: Uh-oh, [bawling] the Gulf Stream is a powerful underwater current.

Quincy: It just carried the red hermit crab past that coral reef.

Annie: And through that undersea tunnel.

Quincy: Oh-no, the red hermit crab got caught in a crab trap!

Blue Hermit Crab: [jingling "My friend! He's trapped!"]

Annie: Don't worry blue hermit crab. We'll save your best friend. We've got our best friend Rocket to help us.

Leo: Rocket, transform!

[Rocket turns into a submarine]

Leo: [Amazedly] Way to go, Rocket.

Leo: Head for the coral reef.

[Shark’s music playing]

Quincy: [Fearfully] Uh-oh, that sounds like...

All: The shark!

June: [Nervously] What are we going to do?

Blue hermit crab: [Jingling “I see someone who could help!”]

Annie: I think the blue hermit crab sees someone who could help us.

Leo: It's an angelfish.

Quincy: Look, the yellow angel fish is hiding in that yellow coral. She's camouflaging herself.

June: Angel fish, brilliant idea.

Leo: We need to find a place where Rocket can be camouflaged, too.

Annie: What color is Rocket? Red, right. Can you find something red in the ocean? Yeah, that red coral.

Quincy: Hurry, Rocket. Hide by the red coral.

[Music playing]

Quincy: The shark didn't see us.

Angelfish: [jingling "Swim like me, Rocket!"]

Leo: Look, now the fish is telling Rocket to swim like her up and down over the coral.

June: I can help you move like that Rocket. I can teach you the coral reef dance. But I need you to do it with me. Reach your arms out out in front of you, like this. And move them up and down over the coral reef. Up and down, up and down!

Leo: Rocket is starting to the dance, too!

June: Excellent, we're doing the coral reef dance! Up and down, up and down. He's swimming up and down over the coral reef.

Quincy: Uh-oh, the shark is back!

Leo: The yellow angelfish is hiding behind that yellow rock.

Annie: But we need to find someplace red for Rocket to hide. You can find something red. Yeah, that red anemone.

June: The shark doesn't see us.

Quincy: He's going the other way.

Annie: And look, we made it out of the coral reef. Woohoo!

June: Thanks for helping Rocket do the coral reef dance and helping him get away from that shark. You're a wonderful best friend!

Blue hermit crab: [Jingling "Thank you, angelfish!"]

Annie: Blue hermit crab wants to say thank you to the angel fish for being such a good friend. Come on, hermit crab. I'll help you sing the friendship song! [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

Angel fish: [Twittering "You're welcome! So long!"]

Annie: So long, angel fish.

Leo; Come on, guys. We've got to hurry. We have to rescue the red hermit crab from the crab trap.

Quincy: Remember, the red hermit crab went through the undersea tunnel. Do you see the undersea tunnel? Yeah, There it is.

Annie: Wow, there are lots and lots of tunnel in here.

June: We could get lost.

Leo: If only we had a friend who could show us the way.

[Piano trilling]

Quincy: I hear someone. That sounds like... a giggle fish!

June: A giggle fish?

Quincy: That's right. Giggle fish love to laugh.

Giggle fish: [Trilling]

Quincy: Listen, that's the sound of him laughing.

Blue hermit crab: [Jingling "I think he can help us!"]

Annie: The hermit crab thinks the giggle fish can help us.

June: That's a great plan, little hermit crab. The giggle fish can show us which tunnel to go through so we don't get lost.

Leo: Rocket, follow that giggle fish.

Quincy: Uh-oh, the giggle fish is swimming so fast, he's getting too far ahead.

Annie: Come back, giggle fish!

[Music stops]

Annie: Oh-no, We don't know which way the giggle fish went.

Quincy: Don't worry, I know how to call to him. I can play a trill on my piano. It sounds just like a giggling giggle fish.

[Playing trill on piano]

June: Quincy, that's perfect.

Quincy: But I need you to play a trill with me so the giggle fish will hear us. Ready, Hold out one hand and wiggle just two fingers to play a trill on the piano.

[Playing trill on piano]

Quincy: That's it, Keep wiggling two fingers.

[Keeps playing trill on piano]

Giggle fish: [Trilling]

Annie: Listen, I hear the giggle fish. He must have heard us.

Quincy: Do you see the giggle fish? Yeah, there he is.

Leo: Go that way, Rocket.

Annie: Hooray! We made it out of the undersea tunnel and we didn't get lost.

Quincy: Thanks for helping me play a trill on my piano. You're an awesome best friend!

Blue hermit crab: [Jingling "Thank you, giggle fish!"]

Annie: Blue hermit crab wants to say thank you to the giggle fish for being a good friend, too. [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

Giggle fish: [trilling "You're welcome, see ya!"]

Leo: Let's check to see how the red hermit crab is doing.

[Red hermit crab singing "Piano Concerto No. 21"]

June: Listen, the red hermit crab is singing to his best friend for help.

Leo: He's still stuck inside that crab trap.

Quincy: Poor hermit crab.

Blue hermit crab: [Jingling excitedly]

Annie: Hang on, red hermit crab. We're on our way!

[Shark’s theme playing]

Quincy: Uh-oh, that sounds like...

All: The shark!

Annie: He's coming this way.

Leo: We've got to hurry and fly Rocket through the water as fast as he can go. Super fast. Will you help me fly Rocket super fast? Great! Super fast!

All except Leo: Super fast!

[Backup booster deploying]

Leo: To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio. Pat the beat on your lap slowly.


Leo: Moderato, now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster.


Leo: Allegro, now pat the beat on your shoulders even faster!


Leo: Presto, now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body! We did it! We're flying super fast!

June: Do you see the red hermit crab? Yes, we made it. There he is.

Annie: The crab trap is starting to get pulled out of the water.

June: What are we going to do, team?!

Quincy: I cannot believe it! The blue hermit crab is going to try and save his best friend.

Leo: He's using his claws to make a hole in the crab trap.

Annie: Go, little hermit crab! You're so brave.

Leo: Come on, team! The blue hermit crab can't do it it alone. He's going to need our help. Follow me!

[The Little Einsteins went outside in the water and swam to the blue hermit crab]

Leo: Let’s help the blue hermit crab snip his claws to make a big hole in the crab trap. Make your hands like hermit crab claws. Use one claw to snip through the trap. And now, use the other claw, like this. Snip, snip, snip, snip. That's it, keep doing it. Snip, snip, snip, snip.

Quincy: The hole is getting bigger.

June: But the trap is almost out the water.

Leo: Use your claws to snip even faster. Snip, snip, snip, snip. He's free!

Quincy: Hooray!

Annie: We did it!

Leo: Way to use your hands like hermit crab claws. You're a great best friend.

[Hermit crabs singing "Piano Concerto No. 21"]

Annie: They're so happy to be together again. Best friends should always be together.

[Shark's theme playing]

Leo: Uh-oh, who does that sound like? [Wailing] Yeah, the shark!

June: Look out, hermit crabs! The shark is back!

Quincy: The hermit crabs are holding claws and shaking in their shells.

Leo: I wish there was some way we could help them.

Annie: I know, We can sing the friendship song to the shark!

Leo: Annie, that's a great idea!

Annie: The friendship song is so strong, it can make the shark friendly. But I need you to sing it with me. Sit up straight and hold up your microphone. Now sing the friendship song with everything you've got! [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

Leo: Look, the shark is starting to smile!

Quincy: The friendship song is making him friendlier!

Annie: Keep singing! [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

Leo: It's working!

Annie: Sing even louder! [inhales] ♪You are my best friend, I love you! You're my best friend, I love you!♪

Quincy: I wonder if the friendship song worked.

Annie: Do you think the shark wants to be the hermit crabs' friend? Yes, the shark wants the hermit crabs’ friend!

June: The friendship song worked!

Quincy: The shark is giving the hermit crabs a ride on his back!

Annie: Now they're all best friends! Best friends, just like us!

Leo: Mission Completion!

[Baton jingles]

Curtain Call[]

Leo: Now it's time for... the curtain call!

[Crowd cheering]

Leo: ♪Let's give a hand and hear it for the team♪

[Clap, clap, clap, clap]

All: ♪And ra-ra-ra for Rocket!♪

[Clap, clap, clap, clap]

Quincy: ♪Come on, take a bow♪

June: ♪It's your turn now♪

Annie: ♪Let's give a big hand for you!♪

June: Bravo! Bravo!

Annie: You were great!

Leo: Now... Pat, clap! Pat, clap! Pat, clap!

June: ♪Let's give a big cheer for the art of the day♪

Leo: Kuna Molas!

All: Kuna Molas!

Quincy: ♪The composer of the beautiful music we've played♪

Leo: Mozart!

All: Mozart! Hooray! Yay, Mozart!

Annie: And here comes the music of the day. Listen.

[Piano playing "Piano Concerto No. 21"]

Leo: See you on the next mission!

[Then a string came out from the stage as Rocket prepares to pull it]

Leo: Hey, look! There's a string!

Annie: Yeah! Pull it!

Quincy: No! Don't do it, Rocket!

June: Do it Rocket! See what happens!

[And Rocket pulls the string and popcorn starts to pop everywhere on the stage!]

Quincy: Popcorn?! Popcorn is popping everywhere!

All: [Laughing]

Rocket: [Jingles saying "Silly me!"]

[The End credits begin.]


v - e - d

Season 1
Our Huge Adventure/Transcript - Ring Around the Planet/Transcript - I Love to Conduct/Transcript - Hungarian Hiccups/Transcript - Whale Tale/Transcript - Pirate's Treasure/Transcript - The Birthday Balloons/Transcript - The Legend of the Golden Pyramid/Transcript - Dragon Kite/Transcript - Go West, Young Train/Transcript - Farmer Annie/Transcript - A Little Einsteins Halloween/Transcript - Annie's Solo Mission/Transcript - The Mouse and the Moon/Transcript - The Good Knight and the Bad Knight/Transcript - The Christmas Wish/Transcript - How We Became the Little Einsteins: The True Story/Transcript - Jump for Joey/Transcript - The Northern Night Light/Transcript - O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime!/Transcript - A Tall Totem Tale/Transcript - The Incredible Shrinking Adventure/Transcript - Duck, Duck, June/Transcript - Rocket Safari/Transcript - Knock on Wood/Transcript - A Galactic Goodnight/Transcript - The Birthday Machine/Transcript - A Brand New Outfit/Transcript - The Missing Invitation/Transcript
Season 2
Quincy and the Magic Instruments/Transcript - Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue/Transcript - The Glass Slipper Ball/Transcript - Annie's Love Song/Transcript - Melody, the Music Pet/Transcript - The Puppet Princess/Transcript - Super Fast!!/Transcript - He Speaks Music!/Transcript - Hello, Cello/Transcript - Annie and the Little Toy Plane/Transcript - Carmine's Big Race/Transcript - The Great Sky Race Rematch/Transcript - Sleeping Bassoon/Transcript - Rocket Soup/Transcript - The Blue-Footed Booby Bird Ballet/Transcript - Little Red Rockethood/Transcript - The Puzzle of the Sphinx/Transcript - The Wild Goose Chase/Transcript - Annie and the Beanstalk/Transcript - The Wind-Up Toy Prince/Transcript - Mr. Penguin's Ice Cream Adventure/Transcript - Annie, Get Your Microphone/Transcript - The Treasure Behind the Little Red Door/Transcript - The Secret Mystery Prize/Transcript - Animal Snack Time/Transcript - The Great Schubert's Guessing Game/Transcript - Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs/Transcript - Build It, Rocket!/Transcript - Melody and Me/Transcript - Music Monsters/Transcript - The Song of the Unicorn/Transcript - Flight of the Instrument Fairies/Transcript - Silly Sock Saves the Circus/Transcript - Go Team!/Transcript - The Music Robot from Outer Space/Transcript - Show and Tell/Transcript - Fire Truck Rocket/Transcript - Rocket the Bug/Transcript - Little Elephant's Big Parade/Transcript - Rocket's Firebird Rescue/Transcript
Segments and Sequences
Curtain Call/Season 1 Transcript - Pat and Blast Off Sequences/Transcript - Super Fast Sequences/Transcript - That's So Silly segments/Transcript
Annie's Love Song/Transcript (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.